Tuesday, August 5, 2008

YW President

My Mom is the new Young Women's President. I am very excited but still don't know what to expect. JK But my mom didn't tell me that she was going to be president.
And so at church I was sitting by the bishop's family, and Bronte who is 14 sat right next to me from their family; so, the bishop I think it was; gets up and says, "We would like to release the following individuals; then he says the presidency of the young womens. And so me, Bronte, and Bronte's sister Maddie all just stare at the bishop. And then I turn to Bronte and she turns to me and I say; "Wait they're getting released????" And she says, "I don't know I guess!" And I was thinking that she would know because she's the bishop's daughter. Then he says, "We would like to sustain the following individuals;..." Then he says my mom. And now I am staring at my mom.
Then when she sits down she looks at me and I said something like, "Why didn't you tell me that you were going to be president?"
But anyway I am SO sad that the old leaders are going but I am happy for the new ones.
I love you all!

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