Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hmmm. . .

I think that I needed to update my blog but I don't know what to say. . . There's this game called Little Big Planet. It's the weirdest game ever but it's so fun. You have these little "sack dudes" (picture of them) that picture is what they look like; but you can put "costumes" on them that make them look different. Examples:

Shark, penguin, frog, gorilla.

a Werewolf.

A chinese girl.

You can even make totally random things:

Okay, so i think you get my point. . . so you can put costumes on them and stuff and then you play little weird levels that either the game made or if you have internet on your playstation/ (whatever other system(s) its on) and you can play other levels people made.
So it's a pretty weird game but it's stull fun. :)
Just thought I'd recomend it to you all. :D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well I don't really know what to post about, I'm WAY excited for New Moon though. But every one probably already knows that. In New Moon Dakota Fanning is being Jane. Creepy. I think it is anyway. (Jane is sort of creepy to me.)
Anyways, there's not really anything for me to say so bye. :P :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

*New Moon Trailer*

Ok, so the Movie Trailer for New Moon has officially come out! I would suggest that you all go and watch it! It's AMAZING!!! Sorry I don't have it on my blog but you can look it up on youtube or something! Thanks! BYE!!!!!!